Our school uniform is important to us. It is one way which we identify ourselves as a school community of which we are proud. Children come to school to learn and smartness and high standards of appearance are expected at all times.
We strongly advise parents to label all items of clothing clearly with their child’s name. We have a substantial amount of lost property!
Below are further details on the different parts of the Roade uniform.
Standard Uniform
This is the normal uniform worn the majority of your child's time at school, except for the day that they have PE. This consists of the following:
- White or blue polo shirt
- School jumper or cardigan (available from Jules at Home)
- Dark grey/ black trousers, shorts, skirts or pinafore dress
- Blue gingham summer dress
- Grey, black or white socks/ tights
- Sensible black shoes (no trainers or boots)
- In addition, year 6 children can also wear a Roade Primary School tie (this is not compulsory):
PE Kit
PE kit is part of our school uniform. Our children have all their PE on one day each week, this was a legacy from the COVID restrictions that was popular with parents and families and the school has maintained since.
On their PE day, the children need to come ready for indoor and outdoor activities. The school PE kit consists of the following:
- Roade Primary PE T-Shirt available from Jules at Home (or navy plain T-Shirt)
- Roade Primary PE Zip Top available from Jules at Home (or plain navy hoodie/ jumper)
- Blue, navy or black jogging bottoms
- Blue, navy or black shorts
- Dark coloured trainers
Physical education is a part of the National Curriculum. If for any reason your child is unable to do PE, parents must send in a written letter giving reasons why.
Jewellery and Make-Up
For health and safety reasons, no jewellery is permitted in school (with the exception of wrist watches which will be taken off for PE). Make up, nail varnish or hair gel are not permitted. These things are not necessary in children’s primary years.
For children whose parents have allowed piercings, only plain stud earrings are permitted and these must be removed by the child themselves for PE. If a child is unable to do this, then parents or carers must remove studs before the school day.
Where non-compliant jewellery is worn, children will be asked to remove it at the beginning of the school day. A letter, text, phone call or e-mail will be used to make sure parents or carers are aware.
Uniform Concerns
If children repeatedly come to school dressed inappropriately or do not have PE kit in school, a meeting will be arranged with parents to see how we can support you and your family.
At Roade, we fully acknowledge our responsibilities in terms of equality issues in relation to gender, age, race, disability, religion or belief. Where jewellery is worn for specific medical, cultural or religious reasons, this will be discussed specifically with parents.
If you have any problems with uniform, please do come and speak to us as supporting families is of the upmost importance to us as a school.